Thursday, May 2, 2013

Christianity & Homosexuality: Christians Do (Should) Care

Jason Collins: First active pro sports athlete to come out as gay.
In the wake of Jason Collins' coming out as gay and the prevailing issues on same-sex marriage, I admire the courage of ESPN NBA analyst, writer and Christian Chris Broussard. He did the unthinkable by expressing his Christian beliefs publicly regarding homosexuality. However, in a time when we all talk and preach acceptance and  tolerance, I wonder if there is such left for Christians and for Chris, who politely and explained clearly his position. Chris cared enough to be real about his faith, and be real even to a friend who is a homosexual. 

So for Chris to be real about his faith, I'm going to be real with mine as well. Christian principles and beliefs may be old fashioned, but that does not mean we all have a pitchfork, noose and fire ready for every sinner we see doomed for the eternal fires of hell. Please, it's not like that at all. 

So let’s get down to it. What do we really believe and feel about this issue? Where are we coming from?

The Bible & Sin
Old school as it may seem, what does the bible say about the issue? For Christians, the bible is clear about sin, and there are plenty of references to go to: 

"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." -Galatians 5:19-21 (NIV)

“So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.  Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming.” - Colossians 3:5-6 (NIV)

To be more precise, the bible also mentions homosexual sin along with other sins:

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality" -1 Corinthians 6:9 (NIV)

"For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done." -Romans 1:26-28 (NIV)

So that's getting it straight. We are not sugar coating this. The bible stands firm: All people who practice these sins, are sinners. No, its not just the LBGTs. Practically everyone and anyone who commits these acts are all sinners. Period. Just as adulterers, liars, sexually active unmarried men and women... all of them are sinners. So, in the same way, homosexuals are also sinners, just like everybody else. This is where Chris Broussard is coming from, and this is where I am coming from as a Christian. We're not singling people out, we're saying we're all in the same boat of messed up people in need of Christ!
But that does not give a complete picture does it? Because the reality is that so-called spiritually mature and enlightened men and women of faith (whether Christian or not) do have pitchforks ready against the LGBTs! Just scroll down the comments sections on any Jason Collins article, and you will see what I mean. People do hate. Christians hate. But again, that's not the entire story. 

Faith ≠ Hate
Back in college, one of my closest friends was a bisexual. She knew about my faith, and I knew hers, but our beliefs never became an issue with regard to our friendship. We went to classes together, had lunch and dinner during breaks, rode to and from school together, visited each other's houses, and hung-out even outside of school! We knew we were genuine friends regardless of our personal beliefs. Even for  Chris Broussard, Faith was never an issue in terms of how he related to his friends: "I'm a Christian. I don't agree with homosexuality. I think it's a sin, as I think all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is. [ESPN's] L.Z. [Granderson] knows that. He and I have played on basketball teams together for several years. We've gone out, had lunch together, we've had good conversations, good laughs together. He knows where I stand and I know where he stands. I don't criticize him, he doesn't criticize me, and call me a bigot, call me ignorant, call me intolerant."

I'd like to believe a lot of Christians feel the same way. We're just getting bad rep. 

Our principles and convictions may be different than what is now widely accepted, but it's never an issue with regard to how we genuinely see and treat people. Does that change who I am as a Christian? Of course not. Does that change how I view sin and homosexuality? No. But that doesn't change how I am genuinely fond of my bisexual friend. It never was and will never be an issue with regard to our friendship.

The “Perfect Christian”
I myself admit to struggling with sexual temptation day by day. Any Pastor, Priest or Rabbi who says he has not had any sexual struggle, whether they're married or not, surely is not being honest about their faith. I've talked to many Pastor-colleagues who have expressed that even marriage does not solve their problems with lust and sexual temptation. So the struggles they experienced in puberty? It still haunts them even in their married life today. But does that make us lesser humans? No. I’d like to believe it only proves that even Pastors too do struggle like everyone else. 

So then should two men who struggle with pornography but have differing sexual preferences be viewed and treated differently? The bible is clear that God sees both as sinners, so why should we, specially Christians, treat them differently? Shouldn't we care for them both like how Jesus would care for the both?

The real problem lies when “Perfect Christians” believe that homosexuality is more disgusting, inhumane, revolting, and more sinful than their lesser sinful lives, only committing "lesser" sins. They're perfectly better off than gays. For them, they're the normal ones. To those guys who feel this way? To those who feel disgusted about homosexuals? To those who doesn't want to do anything with homosexuals because they're surely 100% bound for hell? Check and re-read your bibles please: Psalm 86:15; Job 34:19; John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:7-8. Realize that we are all just as much sinful because of our sins against God. 

I repeat however, not all Christians feel they're so much better of. In the same way that not all Muslims are Terrorists, not all Christians preach and breed hatred toward LGBTs. A lot of us do care. There are those who genuinely provide support and a helping hand at a time when the world, including Christians unfortunately, choose not to. Heard of the Gay Christian Network? They minister to LGBTs! They even have healthy dialogue and discussion about homosexuality despite members having differing views on homosexuality. In the end they're still all committed to love, care and understand better LGBTs.

How Jesus Dealt with Sinners
Jesus and the adulterous woman: "Neither do I condemn you."
So how did Christ himself deal with this issue? How did he relate with people deemed "outcasts" of society? For that, we look at an example from scripture: 

"At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus,“Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”" -John 8:2-11 (NIV)

This did not happen just once. This was how he showed he truly loved all people regardless of their background. Time and again, Jesus spent time talking to tax collectors, to adulterers and prostitutes, spent time conversing with them, eating with them and being with them (Luke 15:1-2; Luke 19:7; Matthew 9:10-11). He chose to love the seemingly unlovable, those rejected by society in order to give us all a picture of the type of patience, understanding, mercy and love he expects from his true followers. That's what being a Christian is. Being just like him. But are we really being like him? 

Jesus came for all sinners, that every sinner would have life through him, by people understanding that we all can only live life through a savior who would bridge the gap between the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man. He came that all of us may have a sure hope and a have a real committed loving relationship with God (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:4-5; 1 John 4:9-11). That's what Jesus did. If Jesus had only chosen the perfect ones, then we all would never make the final cut, ever. 

Sadly however, a lot of Christians do shove their faith down people's throats to a point that it suffocates, that it bleeds and that it hurts others. A lot of Christians just simply can't get over the fact that they are just as fallen as the guys they are trying to "minister" to. Christians have lost friends and have lost favor from people because of what some brothers and sisters are doing, and I apologize for them. If only we can all be in the same page as Christians. We have portrayed hate and we are sorry. Admittedly, even I myself am guilty of this. We are sorry for our ignorance, for not caring enough, and for not caring at all. We're sorry for hating, for not understanding, and for not loving like how Jesus loved. 

Hear Us Out
I can only hope people can give Chris Broussard and the rest of the Christian community the kind of tolerance, understanding and patience they would give others. We're still a work in progress, but a lot of us are trying and we are doing what we can. Not all Christians are morons, ignorant, insensitive and hateful. So help us out then:

1) Get to Know us! Get to know us first. Have coffee with us, play basketball with us, have dinner with us! Don't judge us right away, please. My church, Greenhills Christian Fellowship - Ortigas, has regular basketball pick-up games every Tuesday night after work, open to everyone and anyone. Even GCF members and PBA players Bitoy Omolon (Air 21) and Jireh Ibanez (Rain or Shine) played with us one time. It's part of our project and ministry called The Shed. So go ahead and attend, we want to hangout with you! For more info about The Shed, please visit:

2) Partner with us! Let's work together to help out those who need help (homosexuals, poor, marginalized, orphans, etc). We understand you don't need pity but simply just want to belong like everyone else. So let's work together then? Check out your local churches and Christian organizations. Have you heard of Liberty Street Clothing? They're helping out survivors from challenging backgrounds through a sustainable business. Ask them how you can help them out! Check out their facebok:

3) Pray with us! Christianity is not a faith by and for good people only. It's made up of messed up, sinful people in need of Christ. We're all in the same boat here. So let's all pray for each other: Struggles, concerns, joys, triumphs, everything! In GCF, we have a prayer chapel and a Prayer Hour every Saturday, 4PM led by volunteers and leaders of the Youth and Young Adults Ministry of GCF. Join us!

Final Thoughts
I know this isn't comprehensive enough and still comes of subjective even on a Christian standpoint, but I feel it serves its purpose to establish that we all have common ground. I can only hope for a time when people can just simply play basketball without looking at the color of people's skin, looking at their social status, looking at their physical appearances, looking at people's sexual preference. But as we wait for that day, may we all find the patience and love toward each other as imperfect people, still being chiselled into the masterpieces that we are intended to be.

*Any thoughts on the matter? Suggestions? Likes? Dislikes? Let me know how you feel about the matter by commenting below. Be polite and kind with your comments though please. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Making Christ Known: From Laguna to Manila and Beyond

Greenhills Christian Fellowship (Ortigas)
Know Christ and Make Him Known
Greenhills Christian Fellowship (GCF), since its expansion in 1990 and through the leadership of the late and former Sr. Pastor Dr. Luis Pantoja, Jr., has established itself as an active team player in God’s worldwide ministry. Through its guiding motto: To Know Christ and Make Him Known, GCF has planted various satellite churches in strategic areas in the country and abroad. By the Lord's direction, the growth of GCF can be traced back not just from its founding Pastor Rev. David and wife Patty Yount, but ultimately from the overall mission and vision of the Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines (CBAP) [4]. 

Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines (CBAP)
CBAP, founded in 1958, had only five member churches through the Fellowship of Baptist Churches in Southern Luzon [1]. Since then, CBAP now has more than around 500 churches all over the Philippines, and still growing [2]. What contributed to the growth of the association was programs like the “center approach.” It was the association’s church planting strategy to start building churches in Metro Manila and not just in the provinces [4]. The association also had the “0-200” program, which aimed at planting two-hundred churches in a ten-year span throughout the Philippines [4]. It was through these programs that brought upon the birth of churches including GCF, currently the biggest church under CBAP [3]. CBAP had always been ministering and planting churches mostly to rural and provincial cities. But through GCF and other Metro Manila churches, the association was able to plant churches in strategic areas in urban Metro Manila  [4]. This became one of the reasons why GCF found its first home in Greenhills, San Juan City [3]. 

Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines
GCF’s Beginnings
GCF was established through the missionary effort and strategic church planting initiative of CBAP’s leadership which included Luis Pantoja Sr., (The father of the late Sr. Pastor) in partnership with Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (CBFMS) members Rev. David and Patty Jo Yount [4] [5].
Pastor Love Tira along with the Younts, during late 70's toward the 80's, saw and experienced first-hand what the Lord was doing through discipleship and small groups, their committed relationship building, their proximity to the suburban community of Greenhills, and the ability of their ministry to adapt and relate with their target audience then, the "influencers" of society. Also, prior to its current location in Ortigas, GCF resided at the Greenhills Sound Production, at the Medecor Building along Ortigas Avenue during the late 70’s. The church, which was growing close to a thousand in members, desired and prayed for relocation within the San Juan-Ortigas Avenue area [6]. But after countless failed inquiries with various lot and building owners along the Ortigas Avenue strip in San Juan, GCF together with CBAP’s leadership was led by the Lord instead to the neighboring, emerging “empty parking lot” in Ortigas Center, Pasig, right across EDSA [6]The Lord proved faithful to the church by providing GCF finally a lot of their own at a large discount, and at an area now considered as an important business district, home to various local and multi-national corporations, and home to a thriving residential area surrounded by malls and condominiums [3]. 

GCF-Ortigas Main Worship Auditorium
Photo Credit: Pastor Jon Las
GCF Satellite Churches
According to Pastor Love Tira, GCF expanded, as envisioned by CBAP, through the challenge he and Dr. Luis Pantoja had given to selected growth groups toward the building of satellite churches in their respective communities. The church planting strategy entitled “Church transplanting,” enabled growth groups to minister to their communities and make Christ known through satellite church. Pastor Love, under the leadership of Sr. Pastor Dr. Luis Pantoja, Jr., led the charge, planting the initial batch of churches in Alabang, Pampanga and Bulacan during the early 90’s. It was a time of great harvest as GCF began to expand its borders [6]. Throughout the years, From its roots in Laguna to the growth of GCF in Ortigas, down to the major cities of the Philippines, GCF has established satellites in various key cities: Alabang – Muntinlupa (GCF South Metro), Taytay, Rizal (GCF East), Commonwealth, Quezon City (GCF North), Batangas City (GCF Batangas), Pampanga (GCF San Fernando), Cebu City (GCF Cebu), Bicol (GCF Naga), Bulacan (GCF Malolos), Marikina (GCF Marikina Valley), Legaspi (GCF Legaspi), Laguna (GCF Sta. Rosa), North Edsa, Quezon City (GCF Northwest), Makati (GCF Makati), Bicutan-Paranaque (GCF ParaƱaque), Fairview, Quezon City (GCF Northeast) and Baguio (GCF Baguio). However, the work did not stop there [5].

GCF Connect (Call Center-BPO Ministry) with Pastor BJ Sebastian
Photo Credit: GCF Connect (Facebook)
From Manila to Toronto
GCF also on May 6, 2007 established its very first satellite overseas, GCF Toronto [7]. A year after Toronto, the establishment of GCF Peel followed, followed by GCF Vancouver, GCF Calgary, GCF York and GCF Winnipeg [8]. What began in Ortigas, has now arrived across the Pacific thanks to the Lord's leading and his faithfulness. Dr. Narry Santos, the Sr. Pastor of GCF Toronto, has been spearheading this growth and has been instrumental in embracing the vision that CBAP had ingrained in GCF through the Yount's and through Dr. Luis Pantoja, Jr. 

CBAP and GCF Today
Today, CBAP has set its sight toward “Vision 2025”, as it plans to plant 2025 churches by 2025 with the vision of CBAP churches multiplying churches [3]. CBAP plans to plant churches with the strategy of 1) Establishing churches for missional reproduction, 2) Energizing the body for health and growth, 3) Equipping authentic leaders for health and growth, and 4) Empowering people for community transformation [2]. 

The SHED (Weekly Ortigas Community Outreach)
Photo Credit: Racquel Tira
Thanks to this vision of CBAP, the foundation built by the Younts, the vision of Dr. Pantoja, the heart of Pastor Love Tira, the current leadership of Dr. Larry Pabiona, and the fire of former and current Pastoral Staff, Board of Elders, Deacons, and the many faithful lay-volunteer men and women leaders, GCF expanded and continues to expand by taking to heart the challenge by GCF’s mission of “Making Disciples for Christ Philippines and beyond” and vision of “Lives and Communities Transformed through Christ” through the core values of God’s word and growth groups. Simply put, that is: To know Christ and make Christ known [5].

Kindly answer at least one of the following discussion questions below: 
1. It is often said and observed that large "mega churches" like GCF tend to lose it's sense of community and family atmosphere. Do you agree? How can large churches like GCF address this concern? What are some ways churches like GCF foster a sense of community in the church? 

2. GCF is situated at a strategic location in Ortigas Center in Pasig and have been ministering to the community through various means like the GCF International Christian School, Turning Point (Bi-monthly singles-young adults fellowship), The SHED (weekly community outreach) and Connect (call center small group ministry). But GCF has also been involved in global missions through the One Gospel Conference (Biennial Missions Conference), Kairos (Missions awareness training and equipping), Wetfoot (Short-term missions) and through its support various agencies and missionaries. Shouldn't GCF focus specifically its ministry and its resources for the community in Ortigas? 

3. GCF and its satellite churches maintain a special relationship but are built and established in such a way that each satellite would become independent, thriving church who would also plant churches (like GCF North, GCF South Metro, GCF Toronto etc.) Would you agree that GCF should maintain control and leadership to future church plant and GCF satellites? If not, then how can GCF improve its partnership with its satellite churches ministry-wise at the same time ensure that autonomy and authority is preserved per satellite church? 

[1] Kohl, Manfred. The Churches in the Philippines: A Research Project with Special Emphasis on Theological Education. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: OMF Literature, 2005.

[2] Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines Vision 2025 Blog "" (accessed February 5, 2013).

[3] Pantoja, Noel. E-mail message to author. February 7, 2013.

[4] Guillermo, Merlyn L. Protestant Churches & Missions in the Philippines. Quezon City, Philippines: Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches, 1983.

[5] Greenhills Christian Fellowship, "" (accessed February 4, 2013).

[6] Tira, Unity E. Interviewed by author. Nokia C3 Sound  Recoder Recording. February 4, 2013.

[7] Greenhills Christian Fellowship Toronto, "" (accessed February, 2013).

[8] Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, 
"" (accessed February 4, 2013).

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Prayer in Chains

I ask forgiveness from thee
For how this wild heart flees
Passions that is not stilled
Desires that burn within
Yes Lord, this mind flies astray
To and fro scripture’s ways
Choices shifted by waves
Apart from love and grace
I ask forgiveness from thee
For this heart and mind seeks
In chains and on my knees
By thy love, be set free